News And Announcements

SEMINAR "Methodology of Criminology' Research and Studies"

The Laboratory of Urban Criminology of Panteion University in collaboration with the Laboratory of Methodology and Research in Criminology of the Greek Center of Social Research, organizes Seminars on the Methodology of Criminolog...

CESSDA is hiring a Director

CESSDA is hiring a Director. The closing date for applications is 18 September 2016. 

Panteion Repository - 4 new documentation projects

 At the Panteion Repository  4 new documentation projects are hosted, which include 138 tables.

Webinar: Research Data Management Community Training

"Research Data Management Community Training" webinar on Thursday June 23, 2016 11:00 AM CEST  Participate in the Webinar here.  More...  

Webinar: Access policies and user regulations – licenses

"Access policies and user regulations – licenses" webinar on June 30, 2016 11:00 AM CEST.  Participate in the Webinar here.    More...

New site for CESSDA-SAW Project

New site for CESSDA - SAW (Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives) project. The site is available here.

Secondary analysis of qualitative data: a research strategy that is compatible with the qualitative approach?, article by G. Tsiolis

Article by G. Tsiolis entitled: "Secondary analysis of qualitative data: a research strategy that is compatible with the qualitative approach?". The article is available here.

Secondary data quality analysis issues: Possibilities and limitations. Presentation by G. Tsiolis

Secondary data quality analysis issues: Possibilities and limitations. Presentation by G. Tsiolis. The presentation is available here.

ICPSR Summer Programme 5-day workshop on Curating and Managing Research Data for Re-use

ICPSR Summer Programme 5-day workshop on Curating and Managing Research Data for Re-use. Lisbon 25-29/7/2016. Read More here.

New course lesson on the e-learning platform

The course was published: "Correlation and Regression Analysis" on the e-learing platform. Rapporteur V. Gialamas. The course is available here. In order to access the course material, you are kindly requested to register first...