External User Registration

The external users registered get access to:

  • Sodanet_GR Data Cataloque, where they can search and download survey and cubes data and metadata, as well as to create online maps and to undertake online small-scale statistical analysis.
  • E-learning courses hosted on Sodanet_GR Elearning Platform accompanied by self-assessment tests

Furthermore, they are being informed on conferences and seminars, which are organized by the Greek network Sodanet.

If you have forgotten your username or password, contact the system administrator here.

Password Policy

Passwords must contain at least eight (8) characters, and up to twenty (20) characters

Passwords must contain characters that satisfy the three following conditions:

  • Latin capital letters (A - Z)
  • Latin small letters (a - z)
  • Digits (0-9)

The registration remains inactive unless you reach the "Account Activation Link" from related e-mail that will be sent after registration

Your name is validated
Your name is invalid
Your surname is validated
Your surname is invalid
Your email is validated
Your email is invalid
Your repeated email is validated
Your repeated email is invalid
Academic discipline is validated
Academic discipline is invalid
Type of activity is validated
Type of activity is invalid
Valid country
Invalid country
Optional Field
Your phone is validated
Your phone is invalid
Optional Field
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