The aim of the SOCIALDATANET network is to examine the difficulties in the development of comparative empirical research in Greece, to set-up the conditions for a sustainable cooperation among organizations involved in the field of comparative research and secondary analysis, as well as to extend the network with new members in the years to come in order to further contribute to the development and operation of research infrastructures.
The main operations of the network within the framework of this project are: a) dissemination of information and training on scientific practices, production, analysis, documentation, homogenization and dissemination of data utilized in comparative empirical research at the international level, b) orientation on the possibilities provided by research infrastructures regarding the development of empirical research, c) forum for discussion within the network of the difficulties (technical, financial, institutional, cultural) that comparative research has to tackle with, as well as, the adoption of concrete scientific practices in our country, and d) exploring further network collaborations aiming at the development of research infrastructures for comparative empirical research and secondary data analysis. The network has been funded by the General Secretariat for Research & Technology, OP “Competitiveness-“Human research networks and Technological Education, B cycle” within the frame of the Third Community Support Framework.
Duration: 2007-2008. Coordinator: University of the Aegean, Partners: National & Kapodistrian University of Athens - Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Panteion University - Department of Political Science and History and MRB HELLAS-SA. The development of SOCIALDANET activities were based on the services provided by the Social Data Bank of EKKE, a research infrastructure open to the research community with which all network members had collaborated in the past. Within the framework of this project 70 graduate and postgraduate students have been trained to the RIs’ services as well as to the social research methodology.