The proposed act concerns the development of the research infrastructure and includes 7 sub-projects one for each partner of the Sodanet network, as follows:

Sub-Project 1:  EKKE (National Centre for Social Research)

Sub-Project  2: University of the Aegean

Sub-Project  3: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Sub-Project  4: Panteion University

Sub-Project  5: University of Crete

Sub-Project  6: University of Peloponnese

Sub-Project  7: Democritus University of Thrace

Each subproject consists of the following work packages:

WP1: Management and Financial Management of the project

WP2: Development, upgrading and rebuilding of Data and Documentation Packages

WP3: Development and upgrading of the Metadata Package

WP4: Development and upgrading of the Regulatory Framework for the Infrastructure

WP5: Development and upgrading of Educational Material and Training Programs

WP6: Develop, upgrade, and customize Software

WP7: Purchase of Software and Equipment

WP8: Infrastructure hosting and new applications on servers, data backups and metadata

WP9: Project Publicity and Diffusion of the Research Outcomes

EKKE is the co-ordinator and participates in all Work Packages (WP), the University of the Aegean participates in all WPs except WP7 and WP8 and the other partners in WP1, WP2, WP3, WP5 and WP9.

The act concerns the upgrading of data and metadata in the existing infrastructure, through the development of applications for the management of new data types (eg documents), new thematic data from the smart specialization platform (RIS) sectors such as: tourism, environment, agri-nutrition , and core metadata concerning research components that may exist independently of research (eg terms, queries, variables, classifications). It concerns the further development and upgrading of educational material, whether it concerns research and data stored in the infrastructure, research methodology and data management or research infrastructure development and design. Upon completion of the project, the research infrastructure will operate under the new regulatory framework, which will be implemented taking into account the following: a) the existing regulatory framework, b) the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to be implemented in Greece in May 2018 and c) the prerequisites for the acquisition of Core Trust Seal Certification so that the Sodanet repository is a repository of certified specifications.

1 National Centre for Social Research 464.900 EUR
2 University of the Aegean 201.800 EUR
3 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 85.000 EUR
4 Panteion University 97.000 EUR
5 University of Crete 75.000 EUR
6 University of Peloponnese 79.640 EUR
7 Democritus University of Thrace 63.000 EUR
  1.066.340 EUR

Project Duration: 2018 - 2021

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