The Acts CESSDA ATTIKI and CESSDA EPAE are in fact a single project that will implement the "Feasibility Study" bringing into full operation the national research infrastructure So.Da.Net_ CESSDA_RI. The two parallel projects involve six academic departments and one public research centre, which are collaborating in order to set-up a new research infrastructure that will consist of a Greek Central Node and subsequent local nodes whose role is to provide data of social sciences, while the Central Node will in turn feed in CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives). The data provided by the local nodes to the Greek Central Node will be either quantitative surveys, aggregate quantitative data or tabular data, qualitative data, or even secondary data and indicators. Any potential user should be able to conduct joint searches in all metadata contained in the National Research Infrastructure.
The two parallel projects are constituting the implementation phase which will deal with operational and institutional issues based on the previous experience of the Social Data Bank as well as the lessons learned and experience of CESSDA. More specifically the project “CESSDA EPAE–support and development of greek partners for participation to the Consortia of European RIs within ESFRI /2006 “ is funded through the OP “Competitiveness & Entrepreneurship”. Coordinator: University of Aegean - Department of Sociology, partners: α) Democritus University of Thrace - Department of Social Administration and Political Science, b) University of Peloponnese - Department of Social and Educational Policy, and c) University of Crete - Department of Sociology. Duration: 2013-2015. The project will be implemented through 4 subprojects.