SoDaNet Network: Connecting Data and Society
SoDaNet is the research infrastructure of Greece for the social sciences. Since 2010, EKKE (the National Center for Social Research) and seven universities, have been working together to create a dynamic digital portal of research and education that collects and documents data and metadata of social science research in the country. SodaNet is an open academic knowledge infrastructure, available to the research and academic community, policy makers, journalists, and any other potential user interested in social research.
The Social Data Network is included in the National Road Map for Research Infrastructures 2014-2020, together with the European Social Survey (ESS) under the name CESSRI. Since 2015, SoDaNet has been a member of the European Consortium CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Data Archives), linking Greece to the European Research Area.
Through additional e-learning tools and services, visitors obtain knowledge on issues of social research methodology, research infrastructure development and the management/use of infrastructure data. By submitting their own research data, users contribute to the supply of reliable data, interdisciplinarity, and research. Our mission is to familiarise social scientists with the importance of F.A.I.R. Data, meaning that we (attempt to) render Findable – Accessible – Interoperable – Reusable. The worth of research, after all, lies in its ethics: from the moment one initiates research into social phenomena to that of open and accessible findings’.