Στις 10 και 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2024, στους χώρους του ΔΗΜΟΚΡΙΤΟΥ NCSR "DEMOKRITOS" θα πραγματοποιηθεί το 3ο Συμπόσιο για την Ανοικτή Επιστήμη στην Ελλάδα στο οποίο συμμετέχει...
In June 2024 CESSDA will organise its first CESSDA conference marking its 10th anniversary when the CESSDA Main Office was set up in Bergen. The Conference is dedicated to the different main stakeholders of CESSDA: the Service Providers, th...
We are excited to bring your attention to an article recently published in the "Frontiers in Human Dynamics" journal. The article, titled "Data Reusability for Migration Research: A Use Case from SoDaNet Data Repository,...
We would like to inform you that the research entitled: "Attitudes and opinions of Greek citizens on climate change - CLIMPACT". The data project is available at the link:
The CLIMPACT networ...
We would like to inform you that the 2nd wave of the Values in Crisis (VIC) survey for Greece, has been uploaded to the ΕΚΚΕ data repository. The data projects in Greek and English are available at the following links:
Dear colleagues ,
We remind you of the workshop entitled "Workshop "Voices in Transit: Human Stories from Migration Routes to Europe" which is organized by the Horizon Programme HumMingBird project, EKKE (National Centre f...
Migration is an intrinsic part of human history and contemporary reality. Often a quest for a better life, mobility might also be triggered by geopolitical strife, economic instability, environmental changes, and a confluence of several soc...
Dear colleagues,
we are happy to share with you the recent achievement of CESSDA as a community.
CESSDA archives have been recognised in both the Horizon Europe Programme Guide and the Open Research Europe Platform!
Read more here:...
Α talk by A. Linardis and D. Kondyli , resaerch directors at EKKE on " The services of the research infrastructure SoDaNet , the resaerch infrastructure for Socila Sciences in Greece" within the framework of the course "...
We would like to inform you that the 4th Greek wave of the World Internet Project survey has been uploaded to the ΕΚΚΕ data repository. The data projects in Greek and English are available at the following links:
Greek: https://do...