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Title | Authors | Publication Year |
The harmonization procedure of empirical social surveys | Kallas J., Linardis A. | 2004 |
The design of a social data management environment | Kallas J., Linardis A. | 2004 |
Social research: Theory, methods and techniques | Corbetta Piergiorgio | 2003 |
On the science of uncertainty. The biographical method in social research | Franco Ferrarotti | 2003 |
The Good Research Guide: for small-scale social research projects | Martyn Denscombe | 2003 |
New approaches in social research | Grbich Carol | 2003 |
Social Research Methods: A Reader | Seale Clive | 2003 |
Social Research Methods | Dooley, David. | 2001 |
Qualitative research in counseling and psychotherapy | John McLeod | 2001 |
Methodology in social research: Dilemmas and perspectives : essays in honour of Ramkrishna Mukherjee | Partha N. Mukherji | 2000 |