Article by G. Tsiolis entitled: "Secondary analysis of qualitative data: a research strategy that is compatible with the qualitative approach?".
The article is available here.
Secondary data quality analysis issues: Possibilities and limitations. Presentation by G. Tsiolis.
The presentation is available here.
ICPSR Summer Programme 5-day workshop on Curating and Managing Research Data for Re-use. Lisbon 25-29/7/2016.
Read More here.
The course was published: "Correlation and Regression Analysis" on the e-learing platform. Rapporteur V. Gialamas.
The course is available here. In order to access the course material, you are kindly requested to register first...
The importance of social data in formulating and evaluating social policy: presentation of Ch. Papatheodorou, within the frame of two-day conference of the Greek Research Infrastructure Consortium _CESSDA entitled: "Social...
Social Terms Scientific Dictionary: presented by Kallas J., Savvakis M., Paparisteidi M. (in Greek). The presentation refers to the purpose of the project, the specifications of the dictionary, and its embedding in research infras...
Sodanet Working Meeting Agenda, Rethymno Campus, 23-24 October 2015. Organization: University of Crete - Department of Sociology.
The agenda is available here.
Sodanet Working Meeting Agenda, Rethymno Campus, 24-25 October 2015. Organization: National & Kapodistrian University of Athens - Department of Political Science and Public Administration.
The agenda is availble here.
Sodanet: The new Greek Research Infrastructure Consortium for Social Data, presented by Linardis A. Kondyli D., at the Working Meeting in Rethymno-Crete, 24-25 October 2015, Organization: National & Kapodistrian University of...
EKKE's Working Packages outcomes for CESSDA ATTIKH project (in Greek): presented by Linardis A., Kondyli D., at the Working Meeting of the National Partnership SODANET Research Network, Rethymno, 23-24 October 2015. Organization: U...