News And Announcements

Spotlight on the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

ISSK-BAS (Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) is the national collector and provider of social survey research data collected by Bulgarian research and scientific institutions in the soci...

Spotlight on the Data Archiving and Networked Services

The Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) is the Dutch infrastructure for research data, including Social Science and Humanities (SSH) Data, and is a CESSDA service provider. The Netherlands is a member of CESSDA. Hear from Ingrid Di...

SPOZNAJ Project will introduce the principles of open science to Slovenian research organisations

The 'SPOZNAJ - Support for the Implementation of Open Science Principles in Slovenia' project commenced in June 2023. Half a year into the project, the initiative included collaboration with the Central Technical Library at the Univ...

CESSDA ERIC and CODATA Unite Forces to Propel Interdisciplinary Research and Data Advancement

The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) and the Committee on Data (CODATA) have formalised a strategic partnership through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), underlining their joint commitment to ad...

Strengthening Cross-Cluster Collaboration: Highlights from the 2nd SSH Open Cluster Assembly

CESSDA, which holds the Vice-chair role of the SSHOC Cluster, as well as provides the Secretariat role for it, has co-organised and joint the 2nd SSHOC Cluster Assembly this year. Read more about the meeting! Unveiling New Members, and C...

Spotlight on the Austrian Social Science Data Archive

The Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA) serves as Austria's core social science research infrastructure and is a proud service provider for CESSDA. In this spotlight, we hear from Lars Kaczmirek, Head of AUSSDA. The CESSDA...

CESSDA ERIC is hiring a Project Manager!

CESSDA ERIC is looking to hire a Senior Science and Policy Officer to work at CESSDA Main Office in Bergen, Norway. Join our team! Senior Science and Policy Officer The Senior Science and Policy Officer will assume responsib...

CESSDA ERIC is hiring a Senior Science and Policy Officer!

CESSDA ERIC is looking to hire a Senior Science and Policy Officer to work at CESSDA Main Office in Bergen, Norway. Join our team! Senior Science and Policy Officer The Senior Science and Policy Officer will assume responsibiliti...

CESSDA Strategy 2023-2027

The new CESSDA Strategy 2023-2027 is covering the next five years of CESSDA priorities and goals. You can download and read the Strategy Booklet on CESSDA website:

CESSDA ERIC Is Hiring a Head of Information&Technology. Help Us Spread the Word

Dear all, CESSDA ERIC is currently seeking a Head of Information & Technology for the Main Office in Bergen. If you or someone you know would be a good fit for this position, please take a look at the attached vacancy announcement. I...