D9.1e Harmonization of private household data across EU countries, 2005

This paper is a comprehensive case study to explain the structure of the homogenization application presented in Chapter 1.4 of Deliverable D9.2. It focuses on household typology for European countries and for the year 2005 (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 presents the structure of household typology, as in the EU-SILC survey (Eurostat 2004, and Eurostat 2008a). Chapter 4 makes recommendations for the harmonization of households with HBS data (2003b European Commission). In general, the structure and content of this chapter follows the three basic structural components of the CHARMCATS DB model, namely: conceptual, functional, and data encoding. In addition, in Chapter 3.2.1, household typology based on EU-SILC research is operationalized on the basis of national indicators and variables. In this case, a harmonization project concerns the same conceptual approach but differs in relation to country and time using more specific indicators and variables at the level of "operation" and above. Finally, it should be noted that all the information used here to present household typologies to the HBS meets the recommendations described by the European Commission (2003b). This means that any information about the definitions, names of variables, labels, prices, etc. have been obtained from the recommendations presented in the corresponding document of the European Commission (2003b) on the process of harmonization of HBS between EU countries.

  • Authors:Korre A., Linardis T.
  • Publication Year:2009
  • Citation:Korre A., Linardis T. (2009). D9.1e Harmonization of private household data across EU countries, 2005. Part of Deliverable D9.1 (WP9): Collection of harmonization materials for CESSDA Preparatory Phase Project (PPP)
  • Type:Research Reports
  • Thematic Area:Development and design of research infrastructures, 
  • Abstract:English