OCTOBER 12- 13, 2006
Place: Hotel Golden Age, Room: Sapfo,
57 Michalakopoulou st., ATHENS, GREECE
Thursday October 12th, 2006
8:30 9:00 |
Arrival and registration |
9:00 10:00 |
Opening Address: John Kallas, Professor in Methodology for Social Sciences, Aegean University |
10:00 10:20 |
Coffee Break |
10:20 12:30 |
Discussion Topics |
INSTITUTIONAL (LEGAL) ISSUES Suggested subject matters as a guide to this discussion: a- provisions, restrictions, conditions to be accounted for at any data sharing act
b- ethical restrictions and their articulation in official directives
c- applicability of existing (national and/or European) directives to the particular practices of the CESSDA Archives
d- possibilities, limitations, on the question of homogenization of rules and norms for anonymisation at a common CESSDA level
Presentation of local conditions and practices by Archive representatives:
a) Prepared presentations
-Arja Kuula (FSD), “The principles and practicalities used in FSD when applying the Data protection act and anonymisation process”
- ppt,pdf
-Siv Midthassel (NSD), “The legal and ethical framework for data access in Norway,and description of the institutional framework developed to handle that”.
b) Roundtable discussions
12:30 13:45 |
Lunch Break (and coffee) |
13:45 16:00 |
Discussion Topics (cont’d)
a) Prepared presentations on Institutional (legal) issues continued
-Celine Dauplait & Raphael Laurent (INED), “Archiving and the distribution of data and its contribution to anonymisation and data
protection of surveys, through several examples” (working title).
b) Discussion on:
Suggested subject matters as a guide to this discussion:
a- CESSDA policy planning given the ESS model of data access and OECD emerging policy on the issue
b -is open access to data a future target of CESSDA Archives?
18:00 |
Assembly for Dinner (at the entrance of Golden Age Hotel) |
Friday October 13th, 2006
9:00 11:00 |
Discussion Topics RIGHTS & PRIVILEGES
Suggested subject matters as a guide to this discussion:
a- right v/s possibility for open access to users
b- user criteria for (the privilege?) to open access
c- procedures of control
d- copyright issues
e- who is responsible for placing restrictions (State Directives and/or Producers)
Presentation of local conditions and practices by Archive representatives:
a) Prepared presentations
-Roxane Silberman (Reseau Quetelet), The evolution in France of the laws about anonymisation, the impact of the European directive, the evolution of the practices in access for researchers to confidential data and current discussions with the National Institute of Statistics and with the CNIL (the legal authority in charge of the privacy law).
-Nicolas Rodrigues (NSD), “Practicalities towards access to micro data
from official registers”.
b) Roundtable discussions
11:00 11:20 |
Coffee Break |
11:20 13:00 |
Discussion Topics (cont’d)
Suggested subject matters as a guide to this discussion:
a- anonymisation practices (current state-of-the-art at each Arhive)
b- data preparation in terms of format for open access
c- software and middleware allowing open access
d- open source?
e- minimum and mandatory fields of data definition in terms of level of unrestricted information provided
Presentation of local conditions and practices by Archive representatives:
a) Prepared presentations
-John Southall, ESDS - Qualidata, UK Data Archive: “Confidentiality of archived information in the context of research consent and archive access”
- Oliver Wateller ZA :"International comparative research and confidentiality issues" (working title).
13:00 14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00 15:30 |
Discussion Topics (cont’d)
Suggested subject matters as a guide to this discussion:
a- which are the necessary inter-connections to be built-up among data sets, which will facilitate access in all related metadata and will support comparative research?
b- which of the metadata elements can be used as indexes for retrieval e.g., questions, variables, terms, topic classification…..
c- context metadata: given an open access approach, how do we incorporate these in the data structure?
d- open access limitations in terms of supplementary documentation
e- multilinguality (open access in a non-multilingual environment is a self- defeating practice);
f- classification systems: controlled vocabularies v/s conceptual variability
g- how far have CESSDA projects (NESSTAR, MADIERA, METADATER) contributed towards answering any of the above issues?
a) Prepared presentations
-John Kallas, -GSDB – Aegean Univ.: “Research methodology and supplementary documentation“
b) Roundtable discussions
15:30 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 17:00 |
Summing Up , Chryssa Kappi |
Saturday October 14th, 2006
Day Trip to Isthmos - Canal, Epidavrus Ancient Theatre, Nafplio.